Exploring Tachyon Energy: My Experience With The Tachyon Chamber.

In the ever-evolving world of energy healing, new methods and technologies constantly emerge, each promising unique benefits and transformative experiences. One such innovation that has come into my field is Tachyon Energy.

As an energy healer, I am always eager to explore new modalities that could enhance my practice and provide greater benefits to myself and my clients. Recently, I was invited by Celestial Empowerment in Farmington, CT, to teach a 13th Octave LaHoChi Practitioner training. During this visit, I had the opportunity to meet the owner, Celeste Mattingly, who encouraged me to save some time to experience the Tachyon Chamber, a specialized device designed to harness Tachyon Energy. Little did I know that Tachyon Energy and 13th Octave LaHoChi were connected.

In this blog post, I will share my personal journey with the Tachyon Chamber, from my initial curiosity to the lasting effects it has had on my spirituality and well-being.

Celeste Mattingly & I during our 13th Octave LaHoChi Training at Celestial Empowerment.

Divinely Guided to Tachyon Energy.

As I was checking out at a Union Square Duane Reade, I received a phone call from an unknown number. Generally, I prefer to know who is calling before responding, but my intuition nudged me to pick up the call. While at the register, I answered, and on the other end was the nicest woman from Connecticut. She was curious about my 13th Octave LaHoChi training and asked if I would be willing to come to Connecticut to teach it for her and a few friends.

I welcomed the idea, eager for new adventures and keen to share the beauty of this modality that I have practiced for several years. She seemed genuinely surprised that I picked up the phone (I was too) and that I was open to traveling for the training. It was exciting for me, as travel for work has always been a priority.

We exchanged emails to discuss the training further, and she mentioned something called the Tachyon Chamber, a concept that was new to me. The world of energy healing is brimming with cutting-edge and powerful methods, and I approach these new ideas with a blend of practicality and openness. Intrigued, I agreed to try the chamber.

What unfolded in the following week was unexpected. The experience with Tachyon Energy helped me reconnect with my true soul-self, becoming an integral part of my journey.

What Is Tachyon Energy?

Tachyon Energy provides a fascinating framework for understanding the intricate connections within the universe. The idea that all matter and energy are interconnected resonates strongly with the principle of quantum entanglement, which illustrates how particles can remain correlated over vast distances. In this context, tachyons emerge as entities that transcend the traditional limitations imposed by the speed of light, suggesting a means through which energy can influence distant particles instantaneously.

This relationship between tachyons and quantum entanglement raises questions about the fundamental nature of reality and the possibilities of energy transfer. If tachyons embody a form of energy capable of traveling faster than light, they may unlock new approaches to understanding not only the behavior of subatomic particles but also the broader implications for energy manipulation and communication across the cosmos.

The intersection of tachyon theory and quantum mechanics invites further exploration of how these fast-moving particles could redefine our concepts of causality and interconnectedness within the fabric of the universe. As such, the study of tachyon energy may deepen our comprehension of both physical reality and the theoretical models that govern it, potentially leading to breakthroughs in technology and science.

Zero Point Energy Field

In the realm of energy healing, Tachyon Energy is a highly refined and potent form of energy that can penetrate and influence the body at a cellular level. Proponents of Tachyon Energy assert that it has the ability to harmonize and balance the body's energy fields, promoting overall health and well-being. This energy facilitates the body's natural healing processes by providing the necessary energetic support to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Scientific research on tachyons is still in its infancy, anecdotal evidence and testimonials from individuals who have experienced Tachyon Energy suggest a range of benefits:

  1. Improved Physical Health: Many users report a reduction in physical ailments such as chronic pain, inflammation, and fatigue. The energy accelerates the body's natural healing processes, leading to faster recovery from injuries and illnesses.

  2. Enhanced Mental Clarity: Tachyon Energy promotes mental clarity and focus, helping individuals to think more clearly and make decisions with greater ease. This can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing brain fog or cognitive difficulties.

  3. Emotional Balance: Users often describe a sense of emotional calm and balance after exposure to Tachyon Energy. This can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting a greater sense of well-being and inner peace.

  4. Spiritual Awareness: Some individuals report heightened spiritual awareness and deeper connections to their inner selves and the universe. Tachyon Energy is thought to open channels of higher consciousness, facilitating spiritual growth and development.

Cosmos Tachyon Chamber at Celestial Empowerment, Farmington,CT. Photo Credit: Celestial Empowerment.

What is a Tachyon Chamber?

Stepping into a Tachyon Chamber is an experience akin to entering a sophisticated healing space not of this Earth. The ambiance evokes imagery from beloved science fiction franchises, creating a sense of wonder and connection. In this chamber, a participant can anticipate healing on profound levels, connecting with energies and beings that facilitate a return to one’s authentic self.

Celestial Empowerment offers different configurations for such experiences. The Cosmos Tachyon Chamber, which I chose for my initial visit, provides a serene introduction to Tachyon Energy. A secondary option, the Galaxy Style Tachyon Chamber, presents an alternative experience that intrigues many.

Upon entering the Cosmos Tachyon Chamber, one is enveloped in a profound stillness that is both palpable and transformative. This tranquil energy eliminates distractions and invites a focus on the present moment. It is within this space that individuals may experience the deep healing potential that resides in acknowledging the now, loosening the ties to external identities and fostering reconnection with the essence of being.

The experience in the room is designed to maximize the benefits of Tachyon energy for individuals seeking deeper meditation and wellness. The “Cloud-12” chair, known for its comfort, invites a state of relaxation, while the six Large Laser Cut Acrylic Sacred Geometry Sphere Holders create an aesthetically pleasing and energetically harmonious environment.

The 6 True 8-inchCrystal Spheres on the stands, which emit Tachyon energy, enhance the atmosphere through the 6-Dimensional energies. Above, the Tachyon Chamber Pyramids made from a specific blend of alloys and Tachyonized materials serve as conduits for energy, facilitating a connection with the 12th Dimensional Beings that further amplifies the energies in the room.

During the session, the additional tools provided by Celeste, including the Tachyon cover and Tachyonized rods, contribute significantly to the intensity of the experience. The eye mask, likely also tachyonized, serves to enhance the meditative state, while the powerful music aids in creating the perfect mindset for deeper introspection. The entirety of the setup encourages a profound connection with the Tachyon energy field, promoting an immersive and transformative experience.

My Personal Experience with the Cosmos Tachyon Chamber.

  • Spiritual Growth

  • Physical, emotional, mental Healing

  • Spiritual Guides & Divine Purpose

In my initial session, I encountered a blend of anticipation and uncertainty. The structure of a 45-minute timeframe seemed inadequate to encompass the multitude of thoughts swirling in my mind. Setting an intention was encouraged, yet I grappled with the challenge of narrowing my focus amidst a cascade of questions. Ultimately, guidance arrived, assuring me that I could explore all my intentions. This revelation eased my mind, and I centered my thoughts on the profound aspiration of understanding the divine, encapsulated in the simple desire: “I want to know God.”

As I sank deeper into this meditative state, the sensation of nourishment transcended the physical act of eating. Each bite of the strange fruit I was being fed seemed to unlock layers of understanding within me, revealing insights that felt both foreign and familiar. The guides surrounding me integrated into my consciousness, their presence comforting yet enigmatic.

The dual fruits, connected by a slender branch, symbolized the interconnectedness of knowledge—how different aspects of life weave together to form a complete picture. Each taste brought forth visions, memories, and profound realizations, enriching my understanding of my inner self and the world around me.

In this suspended moment, everything felt intertwined—my thoughts, the guides, the fruit, and the essence of existence itself. I understood that this experience was not merely about knowledge but the embracing of wisdom gained through exploration and introspection. As I continued savoring the fruit, I allowed myself to reflect on the paths that led me to this place of inner peace and clarity. This journey into the self, through the simple act of being nourished, was unfolding layers I had yet to explore within.

From that moment, I received numerous messages indicating that I had been too hard on my body, essentially mistreating it. My body was tired and in need of nurturing, which was perhaps symbolized by the fruit. The feedback addressed my lifestyle choices—daily trips to the gym and a strict regimen that often turned harsh. Despite my efforts to heal this aspect of my life, it became clear that my body serves as a vessel for my energy, and it is perfect as it is. What I perceived as nurturing might, at times, manifest as hardship for my body. This realization prompted a reconsideration of how I approach wellness and self-care, emphasizing the need to listen to my body's cues and embrace a more compassionate relationship with it.

Then, I started to see numbers floating around in the shape of an 8 or an infinity symbol and the numbers 4 and 7 where showed to me specifically, telling me that God is in the numbers that I see, specifically the number 4 & 7. (I do see 444 and 747 quite often.) I then moved to being bombarded with Sacred Geometry symbols, showing me that God is these symbols and we are made of those symbols, therefore we are God. If I want meet God, then I simply have to meet myself. This is was so powerful to me, because as I have always held that belief since I was a child, I was finally clicking with this concept and it was moving.

I followed my experience with having questions about the Gods of Mythology. My guides showed me through a series of emotions and visuals that these Gods were create by God to allow people of the time to understand that there is a higher power that they need to connect to so that in the long run (today), we can understand that this higher power resides within ourselves. We are God.

Overall, as I am taken into this energetic experience, my body is being healed. My body temperature raised, and I felt almost as if I was having a fever, which are the signs of a detoxification. Let me reassure you, I was not sick at all, just having what I call the energetic burning. It was getting rid of all the things that were in my way and that I no longer needed. Maybe they were beliefs, emotions, false narratives,…

So, needless to say that the experience was powerful. I couldn’t quite express what had happened and it took a bit of time for me to come back and process what had just happened. I was reconnecting with the truth of my soul, healing my energy and my soul, and finally healing my body and recharging my energy field with pure creative energy.

Remote Tachyon Chamber Session?

Is a remote Tachyon Chamber session worth it?

Based on my personal experience, the answer is yes. After having my initial in-person sessions at Celestial Empowerment, I was contacted by Adrienne from Torch Bearer Tachyon in North Carolina, who proposed a remote session. As someone familiar with energy healing, I know, believe, and understand that energy transcends time and space, so I was open to the idea.

The remote session proved to be just as impactful as my in-person experiences. I was filled with a sense of gratitude and excitement, as remote sessions offered a convenient way to engage without the need for travel. During the session, I could clearly perceive the energy flowing into me through my Crown Chakra. Lying on my bed, I physically felt nurtured, as if I was being guided to access a higher realm.

The transformative nature of the experience was profound. I distinctly felt when Adrienne retrieved my energy, using a photograph of me to facilitate the process. It was as if a sudden noise jolted me from sleep, underscoring the intensity of the session. Overall, I found the remote Tachyon Chamber session to be a powerful and effective alternative to in-person sessions, allowing for deep healing and connection.

My Point of View on Tachyon Energy

There is a profound depth of understanding surrounding energy that remains largely unexplored. As scientific perspectives evolve and intersect with the practices of energy healing, concepts such as Tachyon Energy emerge as valuable tools for enhancing healing processes and fostering a connection to our Divine Source and innate creative power.

Experiences within Tachyon chambers can lead to a sense of empowerment and deeper self-awareness. Engaging with this energy can illuminate aspects of our soul and aid in the journey of self-discovery and purpose. It is essential to recognize that each individual possesses inherent power and divinity.

In our interconnectedness with the Higher Self and past or parallel incarnations, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our evolution. Rediscovering our healing capacities across all dimensional levels and reclaiming the tools and blessings from previous lives are crucial aspects of this journey.

I will be sharing the insights and benefits of Tachyon Energy and Tachyon Chambers can be transformative for clients, friends, and family alike. Each person has the right to experience these empowering energies, which can lead to greater understanding and appreciation of their unique qualities and potential.

Where to find Tachyon Chambers & Schedule Sessions?

Tachyon Chamber Guardians (don’t you love that name?!) are not all over the map. Here are the ones I have had experiences with:


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