The Orange Portal:
A look at the Sacral Chakra Energy & Your Ability To Move Forward In A Direction That Resonates.
You might find yourself at a juncture where the path ahead seems uncertain. Whether your surroundings are unraveling, leaving you feeling destabilized and adrift, or your current life has grown mundane, causing a gradual wane in interest, these experiences may indicate an issue with the Sacral Chakra.
As we conclude January, I've encountered this theme with every client, finding the question to be profound and challenging to address. Consequently, I've chosen to delve into the topic and share my spiritual perspective.
The Sacral Chakra: Open Energy, Excitement, Creativity, Excess.
The Sacral Chakra, situated below the belly button, plays a crucial role in managing our emotions and shaping our emotional interactions with the external world. It operates in conjunction with the Root Chakra, responsible for our self-perception and image, as well as the Solar Plexus Chakra, governing our willpower, proactive tendencies, and forward momentum. Elementally, the Sacral Chakra (associated with water) resides between the Earth Element (root) and the Fire Element (Solar Plexus), resulting in a distinct sensation when addressing its energy.
During healing sessions with clients, regardless of the approach, my hands promptly exhibit perspiration, signaling the necessity for healing within the Sacral energy (the water element is stuck between the earth and fire element, resulting in vapor. The Sacral energy is that of a moist cave if you will.) This could indicate an underactive state requiring stimulation or an overactive condition necessitating redirection of energy towards other energetic points. In contemporary society, it is more commonplace for me to encounter individuals with an overactive Sacral Chakra, where energy tends to accumulate and concentrate in that specific region of the body.
“Developing physical discomfort in the lower back, hips, and digestive issues”
Accumulating energy in the sacral chakra can lead a person to feel stuck, with a sense of no escape, experiencing sexual tension or indulgence, and possibly developing physical discomfort in the lower back, hips, and digestive issues. The physical manifestations signal a blockage in energy flow.
The root causes of such energy imbalances are diverse, varying in intensity and origin. It could range from parental or authority figure rejection to unmet needs or sexual assault. The impact on energy is substantial, persisting for an extended period and worsening if self-care measures such as therapy, energy healing, and meditation are neglected. Recognizing and addressing emotions proves more influential than commonly believed. While science historically dismissed Eastern health perspectives, there's an evolving acknowledgment of the mind's role in our well-being.
“The imbalance prevalent in our modern society compels people into tasks they despise, fostering feelings of resentment, shame, and hindrance to personal progress”
Consider our contemporary daily existence. In the present societal landscape, opportunities for genuine exploration and decision-making based on personal feelings have significantly diminished. From interdependent relationships to demanding jobs and supervisors, individuals often find themselves compelled to engage in activities they dislike, under the assumption that enduring hardship is a prerequisite for happiness. Take, for instance, the multitude of individuals confined to their desks at work, compelled to earn a living for themselves or their families. Contemplate the profound impact this circumstance has on one's vitality. The imbalance prevalent in our modern society compels people into tasks they despise, fostering feelings of resentment, shame, and hindrance to personal progress.
To the extent that when individuals are queried about their aspirations in life, their responses frequently revolve around "making money" or, in other words, "feeling secure." The pursuit of safety and stability can lead to erratic behavior as individuals strive to fulfill this instinct, preventing them from accessing the inherent gift of their humanity: the ability to act and trust their emotions.
2. Moving Beyond the Sacral Energies to Re-establish the flow.
The quest for an individual to move forward in their lives stems from the both the root chakra and the Sacral chakra, the latter having more of an active role if you will because it represents our safety and security center when it comes to our outside world. If you repair that portion of you that was hurt and vandalized, you will be able to take it to the next level and take actions through your authority, the Solar Plexus.
The Pressure Cooker Syndrome:
“When the energy is stagnating between two other energetic points, I call it the pressure cooker syndrome. It is uncomfortable and feels impossible to overcome. However, it is.”
If you look at the image above, you can see the Sacral Energies being stuck between the root (red) and the Solar plexus (yellow), in a never-ending, all absorbing role. It may translates into feeling fired up about something, while not being able to take actions because we are in a frozen response, or because the actions would be deemed too inappropriate. Our response would be imbalanced, because the energy is imbalanced. We need to establish a bridge between the stagnant energy and the rest of the body. There are several ways for you to establish that bridge, the way it would work for you, depends on what you are willing to do.
Taking a good look at your present:
There is no better way that the present. Take a moment to really forget about anything else but where you are right now. Stop, sit, pause, close your eyes and make a mental list of all the things that come to mind, all the things that you are worried about, the pain, the discomfort, the worry, the shame. It can look like a conversation that you are having with yourself in the most authentic and honest way. Nobody but yourself will hear, or know about the conversation. Give your body, your energy, the space it needs to exist. It simply wants to be acknowledged. The following is a conversation that I had with a client once after working on them. This can also look like a conversation between your higher self and your ego (you are somewhere in-between):
“Self: My lower back hurts. Why is it hurting? Maybe from the gym, walking too long, or grocery shopping? But why does it hit at night, especially when I sit down? It's worst when I sit.
Self: Why am I sitting?
Ego: I'm working.
Self: How do I feel about work?
Ego: It's okay, I like my job. Pays well, free time, easy.
Self: But does it fulfill me?
Ego: Well, it's good money, but what I love isn't even a job.
Self: What do I like?
Ego: Animals, plants. I could spend hours with them. How would it feel to work with them? Good, but unsure if I can live this way.
Self: Why not?
Ego: Won't make the same money.
Self: Who said that?
Ego: Reality.
Self: How do you know?
Ego: I don't. I just expect it.
Self: Who stops you from exploring your options?
Ego: No one”
Do you see how from a simple discomfort point, you can link the mind attached to the discomfort? I am not saying that everything is this simple, but exploring with your body, talking to your body will enlighten you. You simply need to trust the responses you are getting an not censoring yourself. You already feel the pain, it cannot get worse that the pain.
Creating a visual representation of your inner Sacral Energies.
If you are like me, you might be more of writer. It would look something like this:
This is the place to let it all out. Write out everything that you associate with your issue and keep asking the question “WHY?” until there is no way further, until you reach the feeling, the emotion, at the bottom of it all.
Meditation on your Sacral Center
There are many meditations that you can find online to help address your Sacral Chakra. My personal suggestion is to hold your hands on your lower stomach while taking deep breaths. As you exhale, visualize energy flowing from the lower stomach and out through your mouth.
Receiving Energy Healing or Giving yourself a Reiki Session.
There are many Energy Healing Practitioners out there, so you won't miss an opportunity. When choosing someone, I would recommend finding a person who is honest and non-judgmental, of course. Personally, I'm not a big fan of people using a lot of tools. I love using crystals and purifying herbs during my sessions, but that's it. The less, the better. An energy healer only needs their presence to help you understand what the energy is trying to tell you. They only need their unwavering presence to guide you and to be present to be guided by your team and your own energy.
In Brief…
The potency of the Sacral Chakra's energy is robust and requires prompt attention. This energy may have remained stagnant since our youth, influenced by a society that often encourages self-denial, enduring suffering, and material rewards above emotional well-being. It's not surprising that this energetic center is bubbling in our contemporary era. As we transition into what some refer to as the New Earth, it becomes crucial to liberate ourselves and nourish our beings with the authentic flow of creative energy.